Eng. Hussein Arero Jirma

Mr. Mohamed Dida

Mr. Mohamed Kanu Galgalo

Mrs. Rahma Dawe Ali

Mr. Ibrahim Kalicha Guyo

Chief Executive Officer
Eng. Hussein Arero Jirma
Eng. Jirma, has over 26 years’ experience working with the government and international humanitarian organizations. He is experienced in Disaster Risk Reduction, Drought Risk Management programming and coordination at community, national and regional level. Experienced in policy, regulatory, planning, financing, contract management and O&M of rural and complex urban water and sanitation services at senior management level and inter-agency coordination for WASH and pro-poor project in both rural and urban set up.
He also has regional experience and expertise as a trainer on DRR/CCA/Social Protection, humanitarian response, drought early warning and contingency planning, shock responsive social protection. He holds a BSc Civil Engineering degree from the University of Nairobi (1994) and MSc in Water and Environmental Management from Loughborough University WEDC, UK (2008). He is the founder of ISID and the current Executive Director.

Director of programs and partnership
Mr. Mohamed Dida
Dida has over 15 years of uninterrupted management and professional working experience in Northern Kenya in the field of Disaster Risk Management and International Development & Humanitarian Assistance in the Horn of Africa with expert experience in Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Somalia.
He has worked in ActionAid Kenya and Catholic Organization for Relief and Development (Cordaid) at Senior Management levels. Mohamed Dida holds a Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Planning & Management) Degree from Kenyatta University (1998) and is currently a Master of Arts (Advanced Disaster Management) final year student. He is also an alumnus of Galillee International Management Institute-Israel. He is a resilience and capacity building specialist and has led many capacity building initiatives across not for profit and government sectors in organizational development, integrated disaster risk management, advocacy and policy influencing, participatory monitoring and evaluation methodologies. He has developed and implemented food and livelihood security programs and provides technical supports in this field.

Program Officer
Mr. Mohamed Kanu Galgalo
Mr. Mohamed Kanu is a son of a pastoralist from the Borana community living in Moyale town, Marsabit County. He graduated from the University of Eldoret with a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science. In addition, he is a registered Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit (EIA/EA) associate expert. He previously worked as an intern at National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. He also worked with IMPACT Trust Kenya as community research fellow in 2021. Mr. Mohamed joined ISID in February, 2020 as a volunteer Program Officer. He is passionate about environmental conservation and working with pastoral community in Northern Kenya. He has over 2 years’ experience working towards strengthening the resilience of communities in Northern Kenya and amplifying the voices of the vulnerable members of the community through programs, different thematic areas and research.

Project Officer
Mrs. Rahma Dawe Ali
Mrs. Dawe Rahma Ali is resident of Marsabit County and a graduate from South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU) with Bachelor of Science in Range Management. Her career started at the Kenya Wildlife Service project office (AFD), Marsabit where she worked as research assistant, before joining County government of Marsabit, Moyale sub-County livestock office as Livestock production officer for a period of two years. She joined ISID in March, 2022 as a volunteer and currently works as project officer responsible also for gender mainstreaming and integration.

Volunteer Driver and Logistics Assistant
Mr. Ibrahim Kalicha Guyo
Mr. Ibrahim Kalicha is a competent driver with over 7 years of experience. He received his driver’s license for BCE class in 2015. In his early years he worked as a long-distance driver for public service vehicles operating between Marsabit and Moyale. He later worked as a casual driver in the Ministry of Transport Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development under the Mechanical and Transport department. Mr. Ibrahim also obtained the certificate of suitability test in driving and basic mechanical knowledge from the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in 2019 before joining ISID in 2020 as a volunteer driver.

Ms. Madina Duba Guyo

Hawo Mohamed Olo

Dr. Mussadiq Mir

Mr. Mohamed Lochigan

Board Member
Ms. Madina Duba Guyo
Ms. Madina Duba is an educationist with 19 years’ teaching experience at primary and secondary school levels and currently working with Ministry of Education as Assistant Director of Education. She is also a trainer/facilitator on child-centered and gender-responsive teaching and learning environments. She is a leader of a local women advocacy group. Madina holds a Bachelor of Education degree from University of Nairobi [2009].

Board Member
Hawo Mohamed Olo
Hawo Mohamed Olo is an indigenous women leader, cultural ambassador, peace and women rights champion. She began her career with World Vision Kenya, gaining unparalleled experience in the community development space, while also establishing herself as a respected community leader. Currently working at The BOMA Project – Kenya and widely known for her leadership, organization and mobilization expertise in her community.
Hawo is also chairperson at Kupi Elfatu Women Cultural Group and plays a major role in promoting cultural diversity and women empowerment. Through her commitment to this role, she has helped to improve women participation in decision making at all levels. She is also a member of Golbo Peace Initiative Organization – a CBO committed to inform, educate and empower the community of Golbo.
As Board Member, Hawo represents local communities at grassroots especially the vulnerable and marginalized groups as she works with and coaches many women and youth groups and associations in her community. She holds a diploma in community development from the Nairobi Institute of Business Studies. She has organized various cultural events to promote peace and cohesion among pastoralist and minority communities in Marsabit County.

Board Member
Dr. Mussadiq Mir
Dr. Mussadiq Ahmed Mir is an accomplished professional medical doctor with over 30 years of medical practise, community service and volunteer experience. He is a member of Nairobi Utumishi Rotary Club for over 24 years where he has worked alongside other leaders and problem-solvers in promoting various projects in health, literacy, peace, water and sanitation across Kenya. At the Rotary Club, he was in charge of the LN-4 Prosthetic Hand Project. This project is about attaching prosthetic hand to amputees. He initiated and contributed a lot to Gift of Life International Project in Kenya titled “Healing Little Hearts” – treating children with congenital heart diseases and Project I-Read to improve literacy, performance levels in many rural schools in Kenya.
He has received appreciation and excellence awards from the President and from District Governor, District 9200 – Rotary international in 2009 and Nairobi Utumishi Rotary Club in 2006. He holds a medical degree from Kalinin State Medical Institute, Russia. He is currently the Senior House Officer at Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Department of Medicine – Outreach Services.

Board Member
Mr. Mohamed Lochigan
Mr. Lochigan is a pioneer cultural and rangeland conservationist and community development worker. He was the first executive director, founder member and patron of Samburu Aid In Africa – an international NGO – and a board member of many local community organizations and schools. He is a respected Samburu elder and peace maker. He has a lot of experience in networking and resource mobilization for community development initiatives. He is also philanthropic, having supported education of many pastoralist youths. He is a practicing pastoralist and has also established several primary/catchment livestock markets to support livestock producers get value for their money.